You could cat the splits to a temp file, then use the -sf option of
createtable, piping the command to the accumulo shell's standard in:

$ echo "createtable ycsb_tablename -sf /tmp/ycsb_splits.txt" | accumulo
shell -u user -p password -z instancename zoohost:2181

Not sure if the row keys are identical in the Accumulo YCSB mapping, but if
they are then you should be able to use the same split generation script
that HBase uses.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 10:10 PM, Sean Busbey <> wrote:

> YCSB is gearing up for its next monthly release, and I really want to
> add in an Accumulo specific README for running workloads.
> This is generally so that folks have an easier time running tests
> themselves. It's also because I keep testing Accumulo for the YCSB
> releases and coupled with a README file we'd get an Accumulo-specific
> convenience binary. Avoiding the bulk of dependencies that get
> included in the generic YCSB distribution artifact is a big win.
> The thing I keep getting hung up on is remembering how to properly
> split the Accumulo table for YCSB workloads. The HBase README has a
> great hbase shell snippet for doing this (because users can copy/paste
> it)[1]:
> ----
> 3. Create a HBase table for testing
> For best results, use the pre-splitting strategy recommended in HBASE-4163:
> hbase(main):001:0> n_splits = 200 # HBase recommends (10 * number of
> regionservers)
> hbase(main):002:0> create 'usertable', 'family', {SPLITS =>
> (1..n_splits).map {|i| "user#{1000+i*(9999-1000)/n_splits}"}}
> Failing to do so will cause all writes to initially target a single
> region server.
> ----
> Anyone have a work up of an equivalent for Accumulo that I can include
> under an ASLv2 license? I seem to recall madrob had something done in
> a bash script, but I can't find it anywhere.
> [1]:
> --
> Sean

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