Normally, you'd set up Accumulo to use the HDFS volume in your
accumulo-site.xml file for your servers by setting the instance.volumes
field (in your case to the value of 'hdfs://haz0-m:8020/accumulo' or

The shell typically connects to either ZooKeeper using client configuration
files or command-line options as its entry point. Run it with the '--help'
or '-?' options to see the available options.

If it has read permission for your accumulo-site.xml file and the Accumulo
conf directory where this file is located is on its class path, the shell
may fall back to using your hdfs-site.xml or your accumulo-site.xml to try
to figure out things using HDFS... but that's mostly a
backwards-compatible/legacy mode. It's better if you explicitly specify on
the command line the ZK entry point.

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 10:59 AM Geoffry Roberts <>

> Thanks Adam, that worked.  Accumulo starts but when I try the shell I get:
> ERROR: unable obtain instance id at file:/accumulo/instance_id
> $ hadoop fs -ls /
> Shows the id file and the Hadoop configuration directory is on the
> Accumulo class path according to accumulo-site.xml.
> Is the shell looking in the local file system or in hdfs?  I never had
> this problem until I started up with Google.
> Thanks
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 5:06 PM, Adam J. Shook <>
> wrote:
>> Yes, it does use RPC to talk to HDFS.  You will need to update the value
>> of instance.volumes in accumulo-site.xml to reference this address,
>> haz0-m:8020, instead of the default localhost:9000.
>> --Adam
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 4:45 PM, Geoffry Roberts <>
>> wrote:
>>> I have a situation where Accumulo cannot find Hadoop.
>>> Hadoop is running and I can access hdfs from the cli.
>>> Zookeeper also says it is ok and I can log in using the client.
>>> Accumulo init is failing with a connection refused for localhost:9000.
>>> netstat shows nothing listening on 9000.
>>> Now the plot thickens...
>>> The Hadoop I am running is Google's Dataproc and the Hadoop installation
>>> is not my own.  I have already found a number of differences.
>>> Here's my question:  Does Accumulo use RPC to talk to Hadoop? I ask
>>> because of things like this:
>>> From hfs-site.xml
>>>   <property>
>>>     <name>dfs.namenode.rpc-address</name>
>>>     <value>haz0-m:8020</value>
>>>     <description>
>>>       RPC address that handles all clients requests. If empty then we'll
>>> get
>>>       thevalue from value of this property will take
>>> the
>>>       form of hdfs://nn-host1:rpc-port.
>>>     </description>
>>>   </property>
>>> Or does it use something else?
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> There are ways and there are ways,
>>> Geoffry Roberts
> --
> There are ways and there are ways,
> Geoffry Roberts

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