So far, I can only see Accumulo cannot being collocated with H & Z.  Az has 
documentation on how to set up 3rd partly applications, but I don’t think 
something like Accumulo qualifies.  Something I haven’t mentioned is I also 
need the programming language Julia talking to Accumulo but that’s another 

From: Christopher <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:22 PM
To: accumulo-user <>
Subject: [External] Re: Accumulo on HDInsight

I have not had experience with HDInsight. My first thoughts are that if it 
provides Hadoop and ZooKeeper for you, then that's a few less things to worry 
about from a maintenance perspective for your Accumulo cluster. On the other 
hand, if you can't run Accumulo nodes colocated with Hadoop DataNodes, then I 
wonder if you're losing some performance due to lack of data locality (on top 
of any performance hit from being in a virtual environment).

On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 12:19 PM Roberts, Geoffry [USA] 
<<>> wrote:

A quick question on something I’ve never tried before:

Does anyone have any experience with setting up Accumulo with HDInsight?  Can 
it be done?  Or am I better off just using a few Linux VMs, which is my first 
inclination and definitely my comfort zone?

The employer has me on MS Azure.  I am setting up an Accumulo  cluster there.  
I notice Az offers a Hadoop thing called HDInsight.  I looked into possibly 
using it—it has Zookeeper—for the H & Z part of my installation but as yet I 
don’t see how to bring Accumulo into the picture.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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