I don't think HBase directly integrates with Parquet either. If you look at the HBase documentation, the only reference to Parquet is related to spark dataframe compatibility:

> HBase Dataframe is a standard Spark Dataframe, and is able to interact with any other data sources such as Hive, Orc, Parquet, JSON, etc.

There are a lot of projects that integrate between the two (indeed, GeoMesa will ingest and export both Parquet and Arrow through HBase and Accumulo), but it's not a native component.



On 2/18/21 8:15 AM, Roberts, Geoffry [USA] wrote:
They are saying that HBase uses Apache Parquet, which as I gather is compatible with Arrow.  I am just now spinning up on all this so bear with me.   As I understand it, Arrow is memory and Parquet is files.

I have a code base that is built around Accumulo. My code does a lot in memory already.  I like what Arrow has to offer from a polyglot standpoint, but my data sets are, well,   they're what people call "big data" hence Accumulo.  If HBase can handle the Arrow/Parquet structure, why not Accumulo?

Good to be talking
*From:* Emilio Lahr-Vivaz <elahrvi...@ccri.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 17, 2021 4:09 PM
*To:* user@accumulo.apache.org <user@accumulo.apache.org>
*Subject:* Re: [External] Re: Accumulo and Arrow
I believe that was a theoretical - I don't think there has been any actual integration at this point. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong :)



On 2/17/21 12:17 PM, Roberts, Geoffry [USA] wrote:
This is where I saw a reference to Hbase <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://blog.cloudera.com/introducing-apache-arrow-a-fast-interoperable-in-memory-columnar-data-structure-standard/__;!!May37g!ZB8PMax5pRwIM7nFl1H-Mp08wuwY5wrZFRlBWLpFpE_9dISxxitDG-watKobtJyhfuEg$>.

*From:* Emilio Lahr-Vivaz <elahrvi...@ccri.com> <mailto:elahrvi...@ccri.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 17, 2021 11:04 AM
*To:* user@accumulo.apache.org <mailto:user@accumulo.apache.org> <user@accumulo.apache.org> <mailto:user@accumulo.apache.org>
*Subject:* [External] Re: Accumulo and Arrow

Do you have a link to describe the integration between HBase and Arrow? I didn't find anything except some theoretical discussions. My understanding is that Arrow is meant for in-memory representations, and there is no plan to i.e. replace HFiles or RFiles with Arrow files in HBase/Accumulo.

I'm interested in the intersection of the two, though. I'm a committer on GeoMesa, and we provide a way to export Arrow files out of both Accumulo and HBase using custom iterators/coprocessors. GeoMesa is focused on spatial data though, so it may not fit with your use case.



On 2/17/21 8:13 AM, Roberts, Geoffry [USA] wrote:

I have been looking into Apache Arrow.  I see that it supports a connect to HBase.  I Googled but found nothing wrt Accumulo.  Is there, or is there planned, support for Arrow/Accumulo?


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