The Apache Accumulo project is pleased to announce the
concurrent release of versions 2.1.2 and 3.0.0.

Apache Accumulo 2.1.2 is a bug fix release of the 2.1 LTM
release line. This release includes several critical and
minor bug fixes and performance improvements. See the
release notes linked below for details.

Apache Accumulo 3.0.0 is a new major release, based on the
earlier 2.1 code base, and containing all patches of 2.1
through 2.1.2. It is primarily a "clean up" release,
removing deprecated APIs and features. It additionally
contains some minor improvements and features. It is a
non-LTM release, so it is not expected to see regular patch
releases. Instead, patches to 3.0.0 will be rolled into the
next release.

Users of 2.1.1 and earlier are encouraged to upgrade to one
of these releases to take advantage of the included bugfixes
and improvements. Please note that version 3.0.0 only
supports upgrading from a 2.1 version, but 2.1.2 supports
upgrading from 1.10 or a previous 2.1 release. Users wishing
to stay on the LTM release to continue to receive subsequent
patches on a stable release line should upgrade to 2.1.2.

Reminder: 1.10 will be end-of-life in November 2023, and we
encourage all users to migrate to 2.1 (or later) by then.


Apache Accumulo® is a sorted, distributed key/value store
that provides robust, scalable data storage and retrieval.
With Apache Accumulo, users can store and manage large data
sets across a cluster. Accumulo uses Apache Hadoop's HDFS to
store its data and Apache ZooKeeper for consensus.

This version is now available in Maven Central, and at:

The full release notes can be viewed at:

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