I would suggest going thru the database change steps for clues.  
  . Depending on how you “downgraded” the database you may need to run 
ambari-setup and make sure you are pointed at the new instance of the database 
with the correct parameters.  I have not downgraded a postgres DB in-place so I 
don’t have first-hand knowledge of the issue.  Also notice the ambari-agent 

Mike Woodcock

From: Leoš Literák [mailto:l...@literak.cz]
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 2:10 AM
To: user@ambari.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] reinitialize ambari


my colleague has installed the Ambari + Hadoop stack on our servers. He used 
Postgresql 11 to store the information. Then I had to downgrade the Postgresql 
to 9.3.9. I have exported the ambari schema from 11 to 9.3.9. Since then Ambari 
stopped working even when we started Postgresql 11 again.

The current situation is that I can log in to Ambari and it shows an empty 
installation with Launch wizard. Hadoop is stopped and there are no manual 
scripts. The colleague is not available and I need to continue.

It is Ambari

Database consistency check result: DB_CHECK_WARNING

17 Jun 2020 07:10:43,169  INFO [main] ControllerModule:224 - Detected POSTGRES 
as the database type from the JDBC URL
17 Jun 2020 07:10:43,181  INFO [main] ControllerModule:267 - Using c3p0 
ComboPooledDataSource as the EclipsLink DataSource
17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612  INFO [main] StackModule:191 - Resolve: HDP:2.6
17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612  INFO [main] StackModule:374 - 
17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612  INFO [main] ServiceModule:185 - Resolve service
17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612  INFO [main] ServiceModule:198 - Display name 
service/parent: null/Druid
17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,165  INFO [main] WebApplicationImpl:815 - Initiating 
Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.19 02/11/2015 03:25 AM'
17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,310  WARN [main] Errors:173 - The following warnings have 
been detected with resource and/or provider classes:
  WARNING: A HTTP GET method, public javax.ws.rs.core.Response 
 should not consume any entity.
17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,427  INFO [main] AmbariServer:565 - ********* Started 
Server **********
17 Jun 2020 07:12:15,345 ERROR [alert-event-bus-1] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert yarn_resourcemanager_webui for an invalid cluster named 
17 Jun 2020 07:12:15,345 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_process for an invalid cluster 
named centaur_sandbox
17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661  INFO [pool-18-thread-1] MetricsServiceImpl:65 - 
Attempting to initialize metrics sink
17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661  INFO [pool-18-thread-1] MetricsServiceImpl:81 - 
********* Configuring Metric Sink **********
17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661  INFO [pool-18-thread-1] AmbariMetricSinkImpl:95 - No 
clusters configured.
17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_process for an invalid cluster 
named centaur_sandbox
17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert ambari_agent_disk_usage for an invalid cluster named 
17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert datanode_webui for an invalid cluster named 
17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,344 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - 
Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_autostart for an invalid cluster 
named centaur_sandbox

select * from host returns 3 rows

ambari=> select * from stack;
 stack_id | stack_name  |  stack_version
        1 | HDP         | 2.0.6
        2 | HDP         | 2.3.ECS
       16 | BigInsights | 4.2
(16 rows)

Tables groups, clusters are empty. Well, most of the tables are empty.

If the ambari schema is broken, is there any reasonable way to populate it 
again from the existing cluster? Or does it mean we have to remove all 
components and start the wizard from scratch?

Thank you


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