Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a custom ambari stack based on Bigtop.

Stack services are now:

YARN + Mapreduce2
Ambari Metrics

I can successfully install all services just after installing the ambari
server, but, if I initially install Zookeeper and HDFS and, after that, I
try to add a new service (in this case YARN) through the Add service
wizard, the installation hangs at Assign slaves and clients and I can't
proceed with the installation. No error logs are written to log file,
except the fact it can't find the stack_advisor.py for the stack. If I
create a new stack_advisor.py (extending the DefaultStackAdvisor class) the
problem is the same (except that no error at all are logged to the log file)

does anyone know what the problem could be?

Thanks you in advance,


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