I think that what you're doing should work fine (assuming the service is 
actually of type String) and this indcates a blueprint bug. If your service is 
actually not a String then if you add a type of java.lang.String (to tell 
blueprint to toString your object) things should probably work ok. The property 
will only be set once though, regardless of whether the reference changes, (no 
dynamism) because of what the spec says.



Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 10:26:46 +0200
From: david.fel...@scalagent.com
To: user@aries.apache.org
Subject: Re: Service property assigned with a service reference


    My object is a String (a URI) that needs to be dynamically resolved
    as a reference (<reference>) and passed as a service property.


    So if I correctly understood what you said, there's no way to do
    that with blueprint?

    It worked with Aries but it's only by chance, isn't it?


    Thanks again,




    Le 24/10/2011 15:55, Timothy Ward a écrit :


        It is allowed to use a component instance as a service property,
        however the following rules apply (from 121.6.6 of the
        enterprise specification)


        Each service can optionally be registered with service
        properties. The serviceProperties is a list of

        MapEntry, see <entry> on page 236. This metadata must be
        used to create the service properties. Service

        properties creation can have side effects because they can use
        component instances. The service

        properties must therefore be created once before the first time
        the first time the service is registered.




        Service properties should specify the valueType of the entry
        unless the value to be registered needs to

        be a String object. The service property types should be one of:

        • Primitives Number – int, long, float, double, byte, short,
        char, boolean

        • Scalar – String, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Byte, Short,
        Character, Boolean.

        • Array – An array of either the allowable primitive or scalar

        • Collection – An object implementing the Collection interface
        that contains scalar types.



        If your object is of any other type then it should be being
        turned into a String, which does indicate an issue with the
        blueprint container. On the other hand, it may not be possible
        to do what you actually want to do.


        Aries blueprint will probably cope with some other property
        types as well (things that have a String constructor), but I
        couldn't give you a complete list.







        > Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:14:03 +0200

          > From: david.fel...@scalagent.com

          > To: user@aries.apache.org

          > Subject: Service property assigned with a service


          > Hi,


          > when defining a service property with a reference as a
          value, the 

          > property is assigned with a ServiceProxyWrapper (inner
          class of 

          > ReferenceRecipe).


          > Here is the way it is defined:


          > <service ref="..." interface="...">

          > <service-properties>

          > <entry key="Property1">

          > <ref component-id="serviceRef"/>

          > </entry>

          > </service-properties>

          > </service>


          > <reference id="serviceRef" interface="A" />


          > I would have expected the service property "Property1" to
          be assigned 

          > with an instance of "A" instead of a ServiceProxyWrapper.
          However I 

          > could get the instance of "A" by calling the method
          'convert' and 

          > passing a ReifiedType.


          > I would like to know if defining such a service property
          (containing a 

          > <ref>) is correct according to Blueprint
          specification and Aries 

          > implementation?


          > I would also like to know why the 'convert' has to be
          done explicitly?


          > Thank you.

          > Regards,

          > David





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