Clarification - shard and instance are (unfortunately) used interchangeably
in some of our docs, despite the fact that shard can have a different
meaning in other contexts.

The meaning of batch_size doesn't match either rephrasing you offer,
perhaps the docs need work!  batch_size effectively tells the updater what
portion of your service may be down in the course of the update.  This
becomes the size of a sliding window as the update proceeds across the
instances of the service.

i.e. if batch_size is 3, the updater will start updating 3 instances
immediately, and proceed through all instances with 3 instances updating a
any time until it reaches the end.

Does that clarify?

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:01 PM, Mohit Jaggi <> wrote:

> Folks,
> Does the following doc mean A or B?
> *A*: batch_size is the number of instances in a given shard
> *B:* batch_size is the number of shards. So every batch has (number of
> instances)/(batch_size) tasks.
> Mohit.
> UpdateConfig Objects
> Parameters for controlling the rate and policy of rolling updates.
> objecttypedescription
> batch_size Integer Maximum number of shards to be updated in one
> iteration (Default: 1)

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