
I cannot seem to get avro union types to work properly in the c++ codebase
that I pulled from your github repo a couple of weeks ago. I want to
specify that an object attribute can be either null or a string in order to
capture some notion of optional attributes in my json data. However, when
decoding data that actually has a string value for the "optional" attribute
in question, I get the following exception: "Incorrect token in the stream.
Expected: Object start, found String". Here is a small program that
replicates the issue:

      std::string schema;
      schema += "{";
      schema += "   \"name\" : \"simple\", ";
      schema += "   \"type\" : \"record\", ";
      schema += "   \"fields\" : [ { \"name\" : \"last\", \"type\" : [
\"null\", \"string\"] } ] ";
      schema += "}";

      std::string value;
      value += "{";
      value += "   \"last\" : \"dog\" ";
      value += "}";

      std::istringstream schemass(schema);
      std::istringstream valuess(value);

      avro::ValidSchema cpxSchema;
      avro::compileJsonSchema(schemass, cpxSchema);

      std::unique_ptr<avro::InputStream> json_is =

      /* JSON decoder */
      avro::DecoderPtr json_decoder = avro::jsonDecoder(cpxSchema);
      avro::GenericDatum *datum = new avro::GenericDatum(cpxSchema);

         /* Decode JSON to Avro datum */
         avro::decode(*json_decoder, *datum);
      catch(const avro::Exception &_e)
          // throws Incorrect token in the stream. Expected: Object start,
found String

Do I need to configure the system in a particular way for this to work, or
does the current implementation simply not support these types of unions.

I sincerely hope someone can help!

All the best,


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