Hello, I have problem with serialization of data having optional fields.
When I pass null in corresponding field it works but when it is non-null
then serialization fails.



                "type": "record",

                "name": "schema",

                "namespace": "space",

                "fields": [


                                               "name": "username",

                                               "type": "string"



                                               "name": "data",

                                               "type": [




                                               "defaults": null



                                               "name": "timestamp",

                                               "type": "long"





Data that works:

{"username":"miguno","data":null,"timestamp": 1366150681 }


Data that fails:

{"username":"miguno","data":"test","timestamp": 1366150681 }


Should it work or I have some error in my schema? I didn't find any active
issues in jira so I guess the concept of optional fields should work just
fine, also in C++.


The code is:


    std::unique_ptr<avro::InputStream> in = avro::memoryInputStream((const
uint8_t*)&json[0], json.size()); // json is incoming data

    avro::ValidSchema validSchema;

    std::istringstream ins(schema); // schema is avro-schema

    try {

        avro::compileJsonSchema(ins, validSchema);


    catch (const std::exception& e1) {

        std::string errstr = e1.what();


    avro::DecoderPtr jd = avro::jsonDecoder(validSchema);

    avro::GenericDatum datum(validSchema);


    avro::decode(*jd, datum); //serialization with non-null data fails
somewhere inside this step

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