The Apache Avro community is pleased to announce the release of Avro 1.11.0!

All signed release artifacts, signatures and verification instructions can
be found here:

This release includes ~250 Jira issues, including some interesting features:

Some interesting highlights:

Avro specification
- [AVRO-3436] Clarify which names are allowed to be qualified with namespaces
- [AVRO-3370] Inconsistent behaviour on types as invalid names
- [AVRO-3275] Clarify how fullnames are created, with example
- [AVRO-3257] IDL: add syntax to create optional fields
- [AVRO-2019] Improve docs for logical type annotation

- [AVRO-2722] Use of boost::mt19937 is not thread safe

- [AVRO-3383] Many completed subtasks for modernizing C# coding style
- [AVRO-3481] Input and output variable type mismatch
- [AVRO-3475] Enforce time-millis and time-micros specification
- [AVRO-3469] Build and test using .NET SDK 7.0
- [AVRO-3468] Default values for logical types not supported
- [AVRO-3467] Use oracle-actions to test with Early Access JDKs
- [AVRO-3453] Avrogen Add Generated Code Attribute
- [AVRO-3432] Add command line option to skip creation of directories
based on namespace path
- [AVRO-3411] Add Visual Studio Code Devcontainer support
- [AVRO-3388] Implement extra codecs for C# as seperate nuget packages
- [AVRO-3265] avrogen generates uncompilable code when namespace ends
with ".Avro"
- [AVRO-3219] Support nullable enum type fields

- [AVRO-3531] GenericDatumReader in multithread lead to infinite loop
- [AVRO-3482] Reuse MAGIC in DataFileReader
- [AVRO-3586] Make Avro Build Reproducible
- [AVRO-3441] Automatically register LogicalTypeFactory classes
- [AVRO-3375] Add union branch, array index and map key "path"
information to serialization errors
- [AVRO-3374] Fully qualified type reference "" loses namespace
- [AVRO-3294] IDL parsing allows doc comments in strange places
- [AVRO-3273] avro-maven-plugin breaks on old versions of Maven
- [AVRO-3266] Output stream incompatible with MagicS3GuardCommitter
- [AVRO-3243] Lock conflicts when using computeIfAbsent
- [AVRO-3120] Support Next Java LTS (Java 17)
- [AVRO-2498] UUID generation is not working

- [AVRO-3489] Replace istanbul with nyc for code coverage
- [AVRO-3322] Buffer is not defined in browser environment
- [AVRO-3084] Fix JavaScript interop test to read files generated by
other languages on CI

- [AVRO-3263] Schema validation warning on invalid schema with a long field

- [AVRO-3542] Scale assignment optimization
- [AVRO-3521] "Scale" property from decimal object
- [AVRO-3380] Byte reading in does not assert read bytes to
requested nbytes
- [AVRO-3229] validate the default value of an enum field
- [AVRO-3218] Pass LogicalType to BytesDecimalSchema

- [AVRO-3277] Test against Ruby 3.1

- [AVRO-3558] Add a demo crate that shows usage as WebAssembly
- [AVRO-3526] Improve resolving Bytes and Fixed from string
- [AVRO-3506] Implement Single Object Writer
- [AVRO-3507] Implement Single Object Reader
- [AVRO-3405] Add API for user-provided metadata to file
- [AVRO-3339] Rename crate from avro-rs to apache-avro
- [AVRO-3479] Derive Avro Schema macro

- [AVRO-2175] Website refactor
- [AVRO-3450] Document IDL support in IDEs

This is the first release that provides the Rust apache-avro crate at!

And of course upgraded dependencies to latest versions, CVE fixes and more

The link to all fixed JIRA issues and a brief summary can be found at:

In addition, language-specific release artifacts are available:

* C#:
* Java: from Maven Central,
* Javascript:
* Perl:
* Python 3:
* Ruby:
* Rust:

Thanks to everyone for contributing!

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