Hi Aljoscha,

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>

> Just for testing, could you try and place your word-count-beam-0.1.jar
> directly in the Flink lib folder and don’t specify it with —filesToStage?

I did that and it solved the problem.
Let me elaborate.

First of all to get the wordcount running in combination with HDFS I needed
to change a few things:

I added this to the shade plugin (pom.xml) to avoid neding to specify the
main class


and this dependency to get access to HDFS


and in WordCount.java I changed this

       public interface WordCountOptions extends HadoopFileSystemOptions {

and added this to the main method:


after a

              mvn clean package -Pflink-runner
              cp target/word-count-beam-0.1.jar flink-1.2.1/lib/

I ran

./flink-1.2.1/bin/flink run \
    -m yarn-cluster                                         \
    --yarncontainer                 1                       \
    --yarnslots                     4                       \
    --yarnjobManagerMemory          2000                    \
    --yarntaskManagerMemory         2000                    \
    --yarnname "Word count on Beam on Flink on Yarn"        \
    ./flink-1.2.1/lib/word-count-beam-0.1.jar               \
    --runner=FlinkRunner                                    \
    --inputFile=hdfs:///user/nbasjes/helloworld.txt         \

Which succeeded.

Using this I had enough hints to start digging.

I found that my setup is:
1) HDP (which I know is 'no that new')
2) Everything is configured correctly.
Including the environment variables

3) Because HBASE_CONF_DIR has been defined (and it should because I need
HBase) the flink script includes the output of 'hbase classpath'  (side
note: I wrote that for Flink a long time ago).
4) In the classpath of the application you now have:
which contains
     2313  09-14-2010 00:05   org/joda/time/Duration.class

So I tried to put 'just' a newer joda version in the lib directory and keep
the application itself in a 'normal' location.

rm flink-1.2.1/lib/word-count-beam-0.1.jar
cp /usr/hdp/

hdfs dfs -rm hello-counts*

./flink-1.2.1/bin/flink run \
    -m yarn-cluster                                         \
    --yarncontainer                 1                       \
    --yarnslots                     4                       \
    --yarnjobManagerMemory          2000                    \
    --yarntaskManagerMemory         2000                    \
    --yarnname "Word count on Beam on Flink on Yarn"        \
    ./target/word-count-beam-0.1.jar               \
    --runner=FlinkRunner                                    \
    --inputFile=hdfs:///user/nbasjes/helloworld.txt         \

hdfs dfs -cat hello-counts*

And this works too!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Next step: getting both Kafka and HBase connections running ... :)

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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