
I know this thread is a couple of months old, but I’m running into a similar 
problem. I’m trying to package up my dataflow pipeline as a jar for spinning up 
multiple configurable jobs on a QA environment, but I keep getting the same 
exception (but with the dataflow runner instead of the flink runner; it still 
sees the direct runner). I’m packaging it all up with the 
maven-assembly-plugin; what should I specify in my Maven classpath so that the 
dataflow runner gets recognized? My configuration is as follows:


On 2017-05-24 14:45 (-0700), Thomas Groh 
<t...@google.com<mailto:t...@google.com>> wrote:
> You should specify the Flink profile when you execute, with>
> '-Pflink-runner'. That will add the Flink dependency to your classpath when>
> you execute the pipeline.>
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Claire Yuan 
> <cl...@yahoo-inc.com<mailto:cl...@yahoo-inc.com>>>
> wrote:>
> > Hi all,>
> >   When I tried specify the runner in command for the examples:>
> > *    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount>
> > -Dexec.args="--output=wordcount.txt --runner=FlinkRunner" *>
> >>
> >   The building was failed and got error message as:>
> > *Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:java>
> > (default-cli) on project beam-examples-java: An exception occured while>
> > executing the Java class. null: InvocationTargetException: Unknown 'runner'>
> > specified 'FlinkRunner', supported pipeline runners [DirectRunner] -> [Help>
> > 1]*>
> >>
> >    I am wondering if anyone got the same issue and how you solved it.>
> >>

Zonar Systems

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