I’m running Beam 2.2.0 on Flink 1.3 using KafkaIO. Reading from two topics, 
applying a fixed window, joining via a CoGrouByKey, and outputting to another 

Example code that reproduces the issue can be seen here: 

When I cancel the job with a save point via flink cancel –s /path/to/savepoint 
job-id, then restart the job from that save point via flink run –s 
/path/to/savepoint –c … each subsequent save point grows in size by about 30 
percent or so, and eventually flink starts timing out and fails to cancel the 
job. Eliminating the CoGroupByKey seems to stop this behavior, and save points 
are consistent from one run to the next.

I feel like I must be missing something.  Any advice would be appreciated.


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