Yes, it’s a known limitation [1] mostly due to the fact that KafkaIO.Read is 
based on UnboundedSource API and it fetches all information about topic and 
partitions only once during a “split" phase [2]. There is on-going work to make 
KafkaIO.Read based on Splittable DoFn [3] which should allow to get 
topic/partitions information dynamically, without restarting a pipeline.


> On 29 Jun 2020, at 18:14, Talat Uyarer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Dataflow. When I update my DF job with a new topic or update 
> partition count on the same topic. I can not use DF's update function. Could 
> you help me to understand why I can not use the update function for that ? 
> I checked the Beam source code but I could not find the right place to read 
> on the code. 
> Thanks for your help in advance
> Talat

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