"Streaming Systems" is a great book to understand the concepts behind Apache Beam and other streaming systems. However, it is not a book about how to write, deploy, or monitor Beam pipelines. Such a book is yet to come out.

As for the "Apache Beam" book you linked, that one seems to be a fraud based on the contents you can see here: https://www.amazon.com/Apache-Beam-Complete-Guide-2020/dp/1867336081 I strongly suggest not buying that book.


On 30.06.20 05:39, Wesley Peng wrote:

Rion Williams wrote:
The three authors of Streaming Systems are folks that work on Google’s Dataflow Project, which for all intents and purposes is essentially an implementation of the Beam Model. Two of them are members of the Beam PMC (essentially a steering committee for the project) and you’ll frequently see them if you are active within the mailing lists here.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, I can’t recommend Streaming Systems enough. If you are curious about Beam or want to dig into it, it’s the best book you’ll find on the topic.

Thanks for this info Rion.

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