I've noticed some really interesting and surprising behavior with
ReadFromKafka in Python.

I'm working with a simple Apache Beam pipeline consisting of reading from
an unbounded Kafka topic and printing the values out. I have two flavors of
this. This is done via the Flink Runner.

Version 1

  with beam.Pipeline(options=beam_options) as p:
         | "Read from Kafka topic" >> ReadFromKafka(
         | 'log' >> beam.ParDo(LogData())

This one uses from apache_beam.io.kafka import ReadFromKafka (i.e. the
default implementation that comes with Apache Beam).

*Version 2*

   with beam.Pipeline(options=beam_options) as p:
         | "Read from Kafka topic (KafkaConsumer)" >> KafkaConsume(
                        "topic": producer_topic,
                        'auto_offset_reset': 'earliest',
                        "group_id": 'transaction_classification',
                        "bootstrap_servers": servers,

This one is using Beam nuggets:

from beam_nuggets.io.kafkaio import KafkaConsume

I have configured the Kafka producer to produce an element every 1 second.

What I've observed is that when I consume from ReadFromKafka (version 1),
the elements get produced around 4-6 seconds apart, and are batched

On the other hand, if I tried the same thing with KafkaConsume (version 2),
then I get elements as they are produced (i.e. every second), which is
exactly the behavior I expected.

I have tried to make the consumer_config to be the same for both, but it
doesn't seem to have any effect on version 1.

Now, I would like to stick to version 1 because that gives me proper
metrics in the Flink UI, while version 2 works better, I don't get any
metrics in Flink (everything is reported as 0 bytes received / 0 records

I don't understand why ReadFromKafka seems to be batching a few records
together before it gets pushed down the pipeline. Does anyone have any
ideas? This behavior doesn't exhibit itself on the DataFlow runner though.
Is there any setting that I can try? Otherwise, how are folks dealing with
reading from Kafka for unbounded streams?

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