Hi Will, David,

I think you'll find the best source of answer for this sort of question on
the user@beam list. I've put that in the To: line with a BCC: to the
dev@beam list so everyone knows they can find the thread there. If I have
misunderstood, and your question has to do with building Beam itself, feel
free to move it back.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 2:24 PM Will Baker <wba...@estuary.dev> wrote:

> Hello!
> I am wondering about using checkpoints with Beam running on Google
> Cloud Dataflow.
> The docs indicate that checkpoints are not supported by Google Cloud
> Dataflow:
> https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/additional-common-features-not-yet-part-of-the-beam-model/
> Is there a recommended approach to handling checkpointing on Google
> Cloud Dataflow when using streaming sources like Kinesis and Kafka, so
> that a pipeline could be resumed from where it left off if it needs to
> be stopped or crashes for some reason?
> Thanks!
> Will Baker

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