If I’m not mistaken, it’s not supported in the current implementation of 

PS: Btw, if you still use KinesisIO connector based on AWS SDK v1 [1] then it’s 
highly recommended to switch to one based on AWS SDK v2 [2] since former is 



> On 11 Nov 2022, at 12:34, Sankar Subramaniam 
> <sankar.subramaniam01....@bbc.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello there,
> Good morning.
> We are using Apache Beam (Java SDK 2.35.0) in our data pipeline to read from 
> AWS Kinesis Stream using AWS KDA (Kinesis Data Analytics) and so far it’s 
> working fine for few data pipelines.
> Now we have got a new requirement that AWS KDA (running an application 
> implemented using Apache Bean SDK 2.35.0) needs to read the data from AWS 
> Kinesis Stream in different account.
> I have followed AWS Documentation 
> <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/java/examples-cross.html>
>  to grant required permission and policies for the AWS KDA and in Apache Bean 
> implementation we have something like below,
> KinesisIO.read()
>     .withStreamName(getInputPattern())
>     .withAWSClientsProvider(
>         new KinesisClientsProvider(
>             Regions.fromName(getAwsRegion()),
>             getAwsCredentialsProvider(),
>             getAwsVerifyCertificate(),
>             getAwsKinesisServiceEndpoint(),
>             getAwsCloudwatchServiceEndpoint()))
> Here, we could only set the Kinesis Stream and not the ARN. With the above 
> implementation, this application couldn’t read from the stream and from the 
> logs we are seeing it’s trying to connect to the stream in the same AWS 
> Account. The ARN formed using streamName assumes it’s in the same AWS Account 
> whereas we want to connect to Kinesis Stream in another AWS Account.
> Note: We are using ‘DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain’.
> With this situation, wondering am I missing something / doing incorrectly 
> here. Could you please give us some pointers how to use Beam to read from a 
> (Kinesis)Stream in different AWS Account. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Sankar

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