Just curious. where it was documented like this?

I briefly checked it on Maven Central [1] and the provided code snippet for 
Gradle uses “implementation” scope.



> On 21 Apr 2023, at 01:52, Evan Galpin <egal...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to make use of ParquetIO.  Based on what's documented in maven 
> central, I'm including the artifact in "compileOnly" mode (or in maven 
> parlance, 'provided' scope).  I can successfully compile my pipeline, but 
> when I run it I (intuitively?) am met with a ClassNotFound exception for 
> ParquetIO.
> Is 'compileOnly' still the desired way to include ParquetIO as a pipeline 
> dependency? 
> Thanks,
> Evan

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