I believe you have to call withResults() on the JdbcIO transform in order
for this to work.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 10:35 PM Juan Cuzmar <jcuz...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> I hope you all are doing well. I am facing an issue with an Apache Beam
> pipeline that gets stuck indefinitely when using the Wait.on transform
> alongside JdbcIO. Here's a simplified version of my code, focusing on the
> relevant parts:
> PCollection<String> result = p.
>     apply("Pubsub",
> PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes().fromSubscription(/*...*/))
>     .apply("Transform", ParDo.of(new MyTransformer()));
> PCollection<Void> insert = result.apply("Inserting",
>     JdbcIO.<String>writeVoid()
>         .withDataSourceProviderFn(/*...*/)
>         .withStatement(/*...*/)
>         .withPreparedStatementSetter(/*...*/)
> );
> result.apply(Wait.on(insert))
>     .apply("Selecting", new SomeTransform())
>     .apply("PubsubMessaging", ParDo.of(new NextTransformer()));
> p.run();
> In the code, I'm using the Wait.on transform to make the pipeline wait
> until the insert transform (which uses JdbcIO to write data) is completed
> before executing the next steps. However, the pipeline gets stuck and
> doesn't progress further.
> I've tried adding logging messages in my transforms to track the progress
> and identify where it's getting stuck, but I haven't been able to pinpoint
> the issue. I've searched for solutions online, but none of them provided a
> successful resolution for my problem.
> Can anyone provide any insights or suggestions on how to debug and resolve
> this issue involving Wait.on and JdbcIO in my Apache Beam pipeline?
> You can find the sample code at: https://github.com/j1cs/app-beam
> Thank you for your help and support.
> Best regards,
> Juan Cuzmar.

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