let's goooooooooo

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 12:49 PM Carolina Escobar <carol...@sg.com.mx>

> *Get to know our speakers!*
> *Take a quick peek at our program:*
>    -
>    *Beam IO: CDAP and SparkReceiver IO Connectors Overview *
>    Alex Kosolapov and  Elizaveta Lomteva give an overview of a Beam IO
>    development process and practical insights gained from experience
>    developing CDAP IO and SparkReceiverIO.
>    -
>    *Beam in Nokia NWDAF Distributed Architecture*
>    Ifat Afek and Sigalit Aliazov present the analytics requirements of 5G
>    stand-alone core, focusing on the NWDAF use cases.
>    -
>    *From Dataflow Templates to Beam: Chartboost’s Journey*
>    Austin Bennett & Ferran Fernandez share some of their experiences
>    around performance benchmarks, which were done to quantify the potential
>    tradeoffs between the developer and computational efficiency.
>    -
>    *Easy cross-language with SchemaTransforms: use your favorite Java
>    transform in Python SDK*
>    Ahmed Abualsaud explains how to take a Java transform, develop a
>    corresponding SchemaTransform for it, then discover and use it in a Python
>    SDK pipeline.
>    -
>    *Mapping Data to FHIR with Apache Beam*
>    Alex Fragotsis explains how he developed a reusable self-serve system
>    based on Apache Beam to make it easier for other teams to develop and
>    deploy their own mappers easily using Python UDFs
>    -
>    *Managing dependencies of Python pipelines*
>    Valentyn Tymofieiev discusses approaches to configure software
>    dependencies of Apache Beam Python pipelines, how to avoid rough edges
>    during pipeline submission, and how to debug issues pertaining to
>    dependency management when they occur.
> Check out the Program <https://beamsummit.org/program/>
> Register Now <https://beamsummit.org/tickets/>
> [image: Tw] <https://twitter.com/ApacheBeam> [image: Yt]
> <https://www.youtube.com/@ApacheBeamYT> [image: In]
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/apache-beam/?viewAsMember=true>

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