Hi Sachin,

> On 21 Jul 2023, at 08:45, Sachin Mittal <sjmit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was reading up on this IO here 
> https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/connectors/ and it states that it 
> only supports batch and not streaming.

I believe it states only about Reading support. For Writing, it mostly depends 
on what is a type of your pipeline (Bounded or Unbounded) and, iinm, every 
connector can be used with both types of pipeline. 

Though, please, be aware that Beam doesn’t guarantee an order of processed 
records. So, it should be taken into account in case of updating the same keys, 
for example.

> If this works then what is a better option to use write or writeStreams 
> function ?

I think it depends on how you are going to use Redis farther.  

RedisIO.write() is general way of how to write data into Redis and supports the 
different methods (APEND, SET, LPUSH, RPUSH, etc). 

RedisIO.writeStreams() is supposed to be used with Redis streams. 


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