
We have a Beam-SQL pipeline on top of Flink, that once in 5 min gets a bunch of 
events from Kafka and should execute an SQL command on a 1-hour window. Some of 
the events arrive late.
I’m using KafkaIO.withTimestampPolicyFactory() to set one of the object’s 
fields as the timestamp.
For the aggregation, it’s important that the window triggers exactly once with 
all the events, with allowed lateness of 3 minutes. I defined the window as:

        final PCollection<Row> windowSelectFields = selectFields
                .apply("Windowing", Window

When tested on a smaller window with a small number of events, I see that the 
first 3 out of 10 events are being discarded. From the log, it looks like the 
trigger is executed 1 second ahead of time. I suspect that as a result, its 
shouldFire() method returns false, since 3 minutes have not passed yet.

2024-02-21 16:27:08,079 DEBUG 
org.apache.beam.runners.flink.translation.wrappers.streaming.DoFnOperator [] - 
Setting timer: 1:1708533008079 at 1708533008079 with output time 1708533008079. 
                     (that is 4:30:08.079 PM)

And later on:

2024-02-21 16:30:07,944 DEBUG org.apache.beam.sdk.util.WindowTracing            
           [] - ReduceFnRunner: Received timer key:Row:
; window:[2024-02-21T16:24:00.000Z..2024-02-21T16:26:00.000Z); 
data:TimerData{timerId=1:1708533008079, timerFamilyId=, 
timestamp=2024-02-21T16:30:08.079Z, outputTimestamp=2024-02-21T16:30:08.079Z, 
domain=PROCESSING_TIME, deleted=false} with 

Is my understanding correct?
Did I define the window and timestamps correctly?
Any help would be appreciated.


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