On 10/18/2013 09:54 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
This is the seventh release for Apache Bigtop, version 0.7.0

It fixes the following issues:

*** Please download, test and vote by Fri 10/25 noon PST

Note that we are voting upon the source (tag):

Source and binary files:

Binary convenience artifacts:

Documentation on how to install (just make sure to adjust the repos for 0.7.0):

Maven staging repo:

The tag to be voted upon:

Bigtop's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:


I am not voting yet since I still have some time, but so far I am leaning toward a -1.

I am learning toward a -1 because of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BIGTOP-1129 and my issues with Hue. Other than that, everything I tested either just works out of the box or is nitpick. But BIGTOP-1129 is what I would consider a blocker since it is part of the basic use case of Apache Bigtop.

Things I tested:
* Apache Hadoop and some basic jobs
* Apache HBase and Phoenix. Just basic testing
* Apache Flume sending Apache Hadoop and Apache HBase logs to an Elasticsearch instance and visualized through Kibana
* Apache Hue smoke tests
* Everything running on OpenJDK 6 on ec2 instances

Things I still want to test (or rather, things I hope I can test by Tuesday evening):
* Apache Pig and datafu
* Apache Solr
* Load more data into Phoenix

Things we could do better:
* As described on BIGTOP-1129, I could not stop datanode/namenode through init scripts. * We could provide some templates for Apache Hadoop. I wasted a few hours just to get the pi job running. Thankfully we have the init script for hdfs (which needs some tweaks for the staging directory) and templates for the configuration files in our puppet modules * I enabled short-circuit in Apache HBase. Not sure if I missed something, but I got some "org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Can't continue with getBlockLocalPathInfo() authorization" exceptions. From reading http://www.spaggiari.org/index.php/hbase/how-to-activate-hbase-shortcircuit it seems there are a few things we could do to make it work out of the box * Not sure what I did wrong but although I could access Hue UI, most apps I tried were not working. Ex: all shells give me the error "value 222 for UID is less than the minimum UID allowed (500)". And the file browser gives me the error "Cannot access: /. Note: You are a Hue admin but not a HDFS superuser (which is "hdfs").". Note that the first user I created was a user named "ec2-user". Although it is not an hdfs super user, I would expect to have a working equivalent of what I can browse with the "hdfs -ls" command. Also creating a hue user named "hdfs" yields the same result. Note that I did not have time to dig further. * Phoenix directly embeds Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase and Apache Zookeeper jars. These jars should be symlinks. * Phoenix required me to delete some old Apache lucene jars from Apache Flume installation directory. From the output of the command "mvn dependency:tree" on the flume project, it appears these jars are only needed for the ElasticSearch and MorphlineSolrSink plugins. but Flume documentation for both of these plugin explicitly ask users to provide jars of Apache Lucene and Apache Solr/ElasticSearch themselves (since they may use a different version of Apache Lucene). So the dependency on Apache Lucene by Apache Flume should probably be marked as "provided" and we should probably provide some packages to manage these dependencies. * I still need to figure out why my instance of Hue needs access to google-analytics.com

Other than that, it was an enjoyable experience to use Apache Bigtop 0.7.0RC0. Doing SQL queries through Phoenix was pretty impressive and did not require much work to setup. Also seeing Apache Hadoop and Apache HBase logs being shipped by flume to ElasticSearch and then being able to query events and create some dynamic charts on kibana was exciting!

Also, since I am about to test Apache Solr, is there an equivalent to Kibana I can use for visualizing my indexed logs?


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