On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> yeah, if you are looking for this feature, you probably should checkout
> pulsar (which is bookkeeper based pub/sub):
> https://pulsar.incubator.apache.org/
> the topic compaction feature might come in next release or so.

Ok, good to know!

>> My use case is really simple: a website is crawled in regular periods,
>> and it is easy to create a content identifier out of it. I would store
>> the different versions of it in a ledger for downstream processing,
>> but there is really no need to preserve all of the versions of the
>> past if the content identifier is the same.
> it seems a messaging pub/sub system like pulsar is good for you use case.
> just fyi, a bookkeeper ledger is single writer semantic. once the ledger is
> closed or the writer fails, you can not reopen the ledger to write. Is this
> an expected behavior for you?

I believe I'm missing the implication of this. Does that mean we need
to logically name ledgers in a way that can keep track, because each
has only one uninterrupted session of write operations, otherwise it
is read only?


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