The Apache BookKeeper team is proud to announce Apache BookKeeper version

Apache BookKeeper is a scalable, fault-tolerant, and low-latency
storage service
optimized for real-time workloads. It has been used for a fundamental
service to build
reliable services. It is also the log segment store for Apache
DistributedLog and the message
store for Apache Pulsar.

This is the 10th release of Apache BookKeeper.

This is a feature release. It is a great milestone for Apache BookKeeper.
We finally merge changes from both Salesforce and Yahoo branches to
upstream. Apache Pulsar also switched to use official 4.7.0 release for its
upcoming 2.0 release.  It is also the first release of Apache
DistributedLog after it is merged as sub modules of Apache BookKeeper.

This release adopts 7 BPs and fixes 446 issues. It introduces new metadata
service API, rocksdb based ledger storage, have extensive performance
enhancements around reducing jvm garbage collection, reducing lock
contentions, and various improvements around operability.

For BookKeeper release details and downloads, visit:

BookKeeper 4.7.0 Release Notes are at:

We would like to thank all the contributors that made the release possible.


The BookKeeper Team

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