> Alright, so assuming we're looking for a slice of the grid against a
> given time-frame, that would look something like:
> get_range_slice(
>    keyspaceName,
>    ColumnParent(CFname, timeFrame),
>    SlicePredicate(
>        slice_range=SliceRange(xstart, xend, false, colCount)
>    ),
>    ystart,
>    yend,
>    rowCount,
>    consistencyLevel,
> )
> Does that help?
Yes it confirms my understanding, thanks.

However, you are also saying there is no way to also take into account the
"timeFrame" supercolumn in the same API call ? IE, it is not possible to get
back a data structure keyed by 'key,supercolumn,column' hence y,x and
timeframe which I can then process to my heart's delight ?


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