The entire thing was completely my own fault.  I was making an invalid
request and, somewhere in the code, I was catching the exception and not
handling it at all.  So it only appeared to be silent when in reality it was
throwing a nice descriptive exception.

Lee Parker

[image: Spredfast]
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:

> Could you create a ticket for us to return an error message in this
> situation?
> -Jonathan
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Lee Parker <> wrote:
>> nevermind.  I figured out what the problem was.  I was not putting the
>> column inside a ColumnOrSuperColumn container.
>> Lee Parker
>> [image: Spredfast]
>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Lee Parker <> wrote:
>>> I upgraded my dev environment to 0.6.0 today in expectation of upgrading
>>> our prod environment soon.  I am trying to rewrite some of our code to use
>>> batch_mutate with the Thrift PHP library directly.  I'm not getting any
>>> result back, not even an exception or failure message, but the data is never
>>> showing up in the single node cassandra setup.  Here is a dump of my
>>> mutation map:
>>> array(1) {
>>>   ["testkey"]=>
>>>   array(1) {
>>>     ["StreamItems"]=>
>>>     array(2) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       object(cassandra_Mutation)#156 (2) {
>>>         ["column_or_supercolumn"]=>
>>>         object(cassandra_Column)#157 (3) {
>>>           ["name"]=>
>>>           string(4) "test"
>>>           ["value"]=>
>>>           string(14) "this is a test"
>>>           ["timestamp"]=>
>>>           float(1271193181943.1)
>>>         }
>>>         ["deletion"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>       }
>>>       [1]=>
>>>       object(cassandra_Mutation)#158 (2) {
>>>         ["column_or_supercolumn"]=>
>>>         object(cassandra_Column)#159 (3) {
>>>           ["name"]=>
>>>           string(5) "test2"
>>>           ["value"]=>
>>>           string(19) "Another test column"
>>>           ["timestamp"]=>
>>>           float(1271193181943.2)
>>>         }
>>>         ["deletion"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> When I pass this into client->batch_mutate, nothing seems to happen.  Any
>>> ideas about what could be going on?  I have been able to insert data using
>>> cassandra-cli without issue.
>>> Lee Parker
>>> [image: Spredfast]

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