You didn't give a lot of details about the remoteness of the remote
server.  Remote hosts not be able to contact any host on the
192.168.*.* over the internet without routing support.  If the remote
host is on the same network as the 192.168.*.* host, it should work
unless one of those hosts is running a local firewall.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 02:54, Xu Hui Hui <> wrote:
> He there!
> 1. I'm new to Cassandra.
> 2. I created multinode cluster which worked well between two computers
> in LAN (, with reference to the official
> wiki.
> 3. When creating multinode cluster between my computer (
> and a remote server ( y.y.y.y ) it didn't work.
> I referred to 
>  to let JMX use a fixed port rather than randomized ones, but it
> didn't help.
> I also passed "-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=x.x.x.x" in my local
> computer (where x.x.x.x my public IP, and on the router I forwarded
> all necessary ports to, still not work. It seems random
> ports are still used which are blocked my the firewall/router.
> Please point out what I have mistaken. Thanks a lot!
> --
> Xu Hui Hui

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