The behavior was seen with row caching off.
I now have row caching on.

key cache hit rate is 0.75-0.8
row cache hit rate is 0 (row cache capacity=1, RowsCached="100%")

looks like I should try another format for RowsCached, like "0.8" or
"90%" or something.

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM, aaron morton <> wrote:
> Do you have Row Caching enabled ? You can check in the JMX console to see if 
> you're hitting the cache.
> Try  turning on DEBUG level logging and look at the log on a machine you 
> connect to do the read.
> Aaron
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 05:31, AJ Slater wrote:
>> Total data size in the entire cluster is about twenty 12k images. With
>> no other load on the system. I just ask for one column and I get these
>> timeouts. Performing multiple gets on the columns leads to multiple
>> timeouts for a period of a few seconds or minutes and then the
>> situation magically resolves itself and response times are down to
>> single digit milliseconds for a column get.
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:24 AM, AJ Slater <> wrote:
>>> Cassandra 0.6.2 from the apache debian source.
>>> Ubunutu Jaunty. Sun Java6 jvm.
>>> All nodes in separate racks at 365 main.
>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:12 AM, AJ Slater <> wrote:
>>>> I'm seing 10s timeouts on reads few times a day. Its hard to reproduce
>>>> consistently but seems to happen most often after its been a long time
>>>> between reads. After presenting itself for a couple minutes the
>>>> problem then goes away.
>>>> I've got a three node cluster with replication factor 2, reading at
>>>> consistency level ONE. The columns being read are around 12k each. The
>>>> nodes are 8GB multicore boxes with the JVM limits between 4GB and 6GB.
>>>> Here's an application log from early this morning when a developer in
>>>> Belgrade accessed the system:
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:17 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: |
>>>> Requested image_id: 5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: |
>>>> TimedOutException for Image 5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: | Image
>>>> Get took 10005.388975 ms
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: |
>>>> Requested image_id: af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: | Image
>>>> Get took 3.658056 ms
>>>> Jun 17 03:54:27 lpc03 pinhole[5736]: | Image
>>>> Transform took 0.978947 ms
>>>> That's a Timeout and then a successful get of another column.
>>>> Here's the cassandra log for
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,070 get_slice
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,071 weakreadremote reading
>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='',
>>>> key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49',
>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish='
>>>> ', reversed=false, count=100)
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:17,071 weakreadremote reading
>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='',
>>>> key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49',
>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish='
>>>> ', reversed=false, count=100) from 45138@/
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,077 get_slice
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,078 weakreadlocal reading
>>>> SliceFromReadCommand(table='',
>>>> key='af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c',
>>>> column_parent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='Images',
>>>> superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', start='', finish=''
>>>> , reversed=false, count=100)
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,079 collecting body:false:1...@1275951327610885
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,080 collecting body:false:1...@1275951327610885
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:27,080 Reading consistency digest for 
>>>> af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a
>>>> 5c from 45...@[/, /]
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:50,779 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> It looks like it asks for key='5827067133c3d670071c17d9144f0b49' from
>>>> the local host and also queries for the first one and then
>>>> for 'af8caf3b76ce97d13812ddf795104a5c' it only queries the local host
>>>> and then returns appropriately.
>>>> Here's the log for around that time:
>>>> DEBUG 03:54:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 03:55:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 03:56:19,646 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 03:57:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 03:58:19,645 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 03:59:19,646 Disseminating load info ...
>>>> DEBUG 04:00:18,635 GC for ParNew: 4 ms, 21443128 reclaimed leaving
>>>> 55875144 used; max is 6580535296
>>>> No record of communication from
>>>> Does this ring any bells for anyone? I can of course attach
>>>> storage-conf's for all nodes if that sounds useful and I'll be on
>>>> #cassandra as ajslater.
>>>> Much thanks for taking a look and any suggestions. We fear we'll have
>>>> to abandon Cassandra if this bug cannot be resolved.
>>>> AJ

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