I'm having a strange problem when some of get_column and get_slice calls
fails to "TSocket: Could not write 85 bytes paja.dev.pri:9160" exception.
The problem appears on some but not all calls to get_column and also
some times to other calls.

I'm using 0.6.3 on a single host (it's a development installation) but
the problem appeared on 0.6.1. The client side is done with php using
the thrift api.

I've turned on TRACE level debugging on the cassandra server and the requests
which doesn't fail produce this kind of debug to the logs:

DEBUG [pool-1-thread-4] 2010-07-06 11:12:23,438 CassandraServer.java
(line 266) get
DEBUG [ROW-READ-STAGE:2] 2010-07-06 11:12:23,439 StorageProxy.java
(line 755) weakreadlocal reading SliceByNamesReadCommand(table='ig',
key='2249', columnParent='QueryPath(columnFamilyName='TalkLastMessages',
superColumnName='null', columnName='null')', columns=[2582837,])

But the requests which fails to the TSocket: Could not write 85 bytes -exception
doesn't print anything to the logs. I'm doing the same request all the
time with same

How I should debug this issue? All ideas and tips are greatly appreciated.

 - Juho Mäkinen

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