Wow.. fast answer AND correct. In Cassandra.yml

# Frame size for thrift (maximum field length).
# 0 disables TFramedTransport in favor of TSocket.
thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb: 15

I just had to change that value to 0 and everything worked. Now for my follow up question :) What is the difference between these two and why does 0.7 default to true while earlier versions default to false? Thanks again!

On 8/6/10 9:51 AM, Ryan King wrote:
Make sure the client and server are both using the same transport
(framed vs. non)


On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Mark<>  wrote:
Has anyone had any success using Cassandra 0.7 w/ ruby? I'm attempting to
use the fauan/cassandra gem ( which has
explicit support for 0.7 but I keep receiving the following error message
when making a request.

Thrift::TransportException: end of file reached

Any ideas? Thanks

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