Hey Aaron,

We are thinking a lot about multi-tenancy, but features to support multiple 
tenants on a cluster are only beginning to make their way into Cassandra. See 
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/MultiTenant for a short listing of features 
that are being considered (including a mention of memory considerations).

If you have more thoughts on the matter, please feel free to add them to that 


-----Original Message-----
From: "Aaron Morton" <aa...@thelastpickle.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 9:51pm
To: "Cassandra User" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Multiple Keyspaces and memtables

Am playing with the dynamic schema features of 0.7 and thinking about the 
impact of more keyspaces. Memtable settings are per CF, and so per Keyspace - 
so adding more keyspaces increases the amount of memory needed for memtables on 
the node. 

There are also some new features in the config for multi tenant installs. Which 
seems to support using more keyspaces. 

So my (rambling) question is: Are there any other features to support managing 
memory in a cluster with many keyspaces? Am I right in thinking that for every 
keyspace every node needs to support at least ((num CF) * 
memtable_throughoput_in_mb) * 2 ?

Is anyone out there running more than a couple of keyspaces in a single cluster?


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