I have had to build a wrapper around php thrift calls which
automatically retry the cassandra thrift operation in case there was a
failure. It's not a proper sollution, but it has worked in our case
well enough to be reliable. Of course it would be nice if I wouldn't
need such ugly hack.

 - Garo

>>>> On Wednesday, August 18, 2010, Jeremy Hanna <jeremy.hanna1...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > As Jonathan mentioned in his keynote at the Cassandra Summit, the
>>>> > thrift + php has some bugs and is maintainerless right now.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there anyone out there in the Cassandra community that is adept at
>>>> > PHP that could help out with the thrift + php work?  It would benefit all
>>>> > who use Cassandra with PHP.
>>>> >
>>>> > Bryan Duxbury, a thrift developer/committer, said "if someone really
>>>> > wanted to have a go at making thrift php robust, i would assist them
>>>> > heavily."
>>>> >
>>>> > Please respond to this thread or ask Bryan in the channel.
>> --
>> Gabriel Sosa
>> Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo. - Einstein

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