Hi Roshan,
thanks for your post. I quickly ran over it, and the only difference I can actually see is the compare_with type (we use TimeUUIDType).

Any other suggestions, anyone?

Am 06.03.2011 12:24, schrieb Roshan Dawrani:

Sure. Here is a sample of how we define it at the end of cassandra.yaml.

In the keyspace MyApp, it defines a column family MyUser, that has secondary indexes on 2 String columns - firstname, and lastname.

Does it help?

    - name: MyApp
replica_placement_strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
      replication_factor: 1
        - name: MyUser
          compare_with: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
            - name: firstname
              validator_class: UTF8Type
              index_type: KEYS
              index_name: FirstNameIdx
            - name: firstname
              validator_class: UTF8Type
              index_type: KEYS
              index_name: LastNameIdx


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Jürgen Link <juergen.l...@googlemail.com <mailto:juergen.l...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Roshan,
    could you please post a small sample from your yaml file?
    As documentation of indexes is quite sparse, we're grateful for
    any working example.


    Am 04.03.2011 19:27, schrieb Roshan Dawrani:
    On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Jürgen Link
    <mailto:juergen.l...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Jonathan,
        as Roland is already out of office, I'd like to jump in.
        Maybe this somehow got lost in the moddle of this thread,
        indexing works fine in our "real" cassandra cluster.
        For our test cases, we use an embedded cassandra instance,
        which is configured via yaml.
        In case indexes cannot be defined via yaml (for embedded
        instances), is there a more preferred way to do so?

    Sorry, I haven't followed the whole of this thread yet, but I
    just noticed this mail and would like to add that we also use
    embedded Cassandra instance for our dev / tests and out yaml has
    a number of indexes and they work just fine. We are on Cassandar

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