Hi everyone.

Looking for ways to monitor cassandra with zabbix I could not found
anything that was really usable, till I found mention of a nice class by
smeet. I have based my modification upon his work and now I give it back
to the community.

Here's the project url:


It allows to get statistics for any Keyspace/ColumnFamily you want. To
start it just build the jar, and launch it using as classpath your
cassandra installation lib folder.

The first parameter is the node host name. The second parameter is a
comma separated list of KS:CF values. For example:

java -cp blablabla localhost ks1:cf1,ks1:cf2.

Then point curl to http://localhost:9090/ks1/cf1 and some basic stats
will be displayed.

You can also point to http://localhost:9090/nodeinfo to get some info
about the server.

If you have any suggestion or improvement you would like to see, please
contact me and I will be glad to work on it. Right now it's a bit rough,
but it gets the job done.

Thanks for your time!

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