I have a column family for my main data, and I have been using an additional 
column family to store indexes to the data: row per index style.

I now want to be able to update a set of indexes by the field being indexed on. 
 To access that set, I can maintain meta indexes for each field, or I can 
switch from RP to OPP and do range queries on field-prefixed index names.  Both 
options seem less than ideal.  The first is annoying extra maintenance, and the 
second means I may open a can of worms with load-balancing.

I concluded another option might be better with neither of those drawbacks.  I 
can just create a ColumnFamily per field being indexed.  I can now easily 
access and update the indexes for a particular field.

I'm wondering if anyone has also contemplated this 
Column-Family-per-Index-Field option or is using it, and has any thoughts or 
critique regarding it.


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