On 10/11/2011 09:49 PM, Terry Cumaranatunge wrote:
If you set a ttl and expire a column, I've read that this eventually turns into a tombstone and will be cleaned out by the GC. Are expirations considered a form of delete that still requires a node repair to be run in gc_grace_period seconds? The operations guide says you have to run node repair if you have deletes, so I'm trying to find out if we can upsert the column with expirations using a ttl=1 to substitute deletes. The node repair operations is very intensive in our environment and causes a significant performance degradation on the system.

No - if you only use TTL to expire data, and no actual deletes or updates on the ttl, then you generally do not need to do a nodetool repair.

I run two clusters that have rolling data sets relying on TTL that have been running for months without any issues and have never run nodetool repair.


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