On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Kent Tong <freemant2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> From the source code I can see that for each key, the hash (token), the key 
> itself (ByteBuffer) and the position (long. offset in the sstable) are stored 
> into the key cache. The hash is an MD5 hash, so it is 16 bytes. So, the total 
> size required is at least 16+size-of(key)+4 which is > 20 bytes. If we 
> consider the overhead of the object references, then it will be even larger. 
> Then, why the wiki recommends multiplying the  number of keys cached with 
> 10-12 to get the memory requirement?

In a word: java.


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