I have an error when I try to read column value using cql but I can read it
when I use cli.

When I read in cli I get:
 get cf['a52efb7a-b2ea-417b-b54a-9d6a2ebf6d71']['i:nwtp_name']=
=> (column=i:nwtp_name, value=G�¼nter Grass's Israel poem provokes outrage,

When I try to read with cqlsh I get:
'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in position 5: ordinal not
in range(128)

Do I need to save only ascii chars, or can I read it somehow using cql?


*Tamar Fraenkel *
Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media

[image: Inline image 1]

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