The hive support is going to be integrated into the main source tree with this 
You can go to to find the 
CassandraStorageHandler right now though.

For 1.0.8, the CassandraStorage class for the Pig support was still in 
contrib/pig in the Cassandra source download.  For 1.1, as you found, it was 
integrated into the main source tree for Cassandra alongside the rest of the 
hadoop related classes.

On May 1, 2012, at 6:12 PM, rk vishu wrote:

> Hello All,
> could anyone of you point me to the source for
> org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig.CassandraStorage
> and
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler
> for cassandra 1.0.8 ?
> i found pig's loaded class for 1.1.0-beta in 
> but cannot find 1.0.8 compatible version? Cannot find Hive's SerDe for any 
> version.
> Any help in this aspect is appreciated.
> -R

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