
> which cause the OS low memory.
If the memory is used for mmapped access the os can get it back later. 

Is the low free memory causing a problem ?


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 12/06/2012, at 5:52 PM, Jason Tang wrote:

> Hi
> I found some information of this issue
> And seems we can have other strategy for data access to reduce mmap usage, in 
> order to use less memory.
> But I didn't find the document to describe the parameters for Cassandra 1.x, 
> is it a good way to use this parameter to reduce shared memory usage and 
> what's the impact? (btw, our data model is dynamical, which means the 
> although the through put is high, but the life cycle of the data is short, 
> one hour or less).
> "
> # Choices are auto, standard, mmap, and mmap_index_only.
> disk_access_mode: auto
> "
> 2012/6/12 Jason Tang <>
> See my post, I limit the HVM heap 6G, but actually Cassandra will use more 
> memory which is not calculated in JVM heap. 
> I use top to monitor total memory used by Cassandra.
> =============================
> -Xms6G -Xmx6G -Xmn1600M
> 2012/6/12 Jeffrey Kesselman <>
> Btw.  I suggest you spin up JConsole as it will give you much more detai kon 
> what your VM is actually doing.
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Jason Tang <> wrote:
> Hi
>       We have some problem with Cassandra memory usage, we configure the JVM 
> HEAP 6G, but after runing Cassandra for several hours (insert, update, 
> delete). The total memory used by Cassandra go up to 15G, which cause the OS 
> low memory.
>       So I wonder if it is normal to have so many memory used by cassandra?
>         And how to limit the native memory used by Cassandra?
> ===========================
> Cassandra 1.0.3, 64 bit jdk.
> Memory ocupied by Cassandra 15G
>  9567 casadm    20   0 28.3g  15g 9.1g S  269 65.1 385:57.65 java
> =============================
> -Xms6G -Xmx6G -Xmn1600M
>  # ps -ef | grep  9567
> casadm    9567     1 55 Jun11 ?        05:59:44 /opt/jdk1.6.0_29/bin/java -ea 
> -javaagent:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar 
> -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms6G -Xmx6G -Xmn1600M 
> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss128k -XX:+UseParNewGC 
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 
> -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 
> -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly 
> -Dpasswd.mode=MD5 
> -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true -cp 
> /opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../conf:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../build/classes/main:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../build/classes/thrift:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/Cassandra-Extensions-1.0.0.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/antlr-3.2.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/apache-cassandra-1.0.3.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/apache-cassandra-clientutil-1.0.3.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/apache-cassandra-thrift-1.0.3.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/avro-1.4.0-fixes.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/avro-1.4.0-sources-fixes.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/commons-cli-1.1.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/commons-codec-1.2.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/compress-lzf-0.8.4.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru-1.2.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/guava-r08.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/high-scale-lib-1.1.2.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/jackson-core-asl-1.4.0.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.4.0.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/jline-0.9.94.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/json-simple-1.1.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/libthrift-0.6.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/snakeyaml-1.6.jar:/opt/dve/cassandra/bin/../lib/snappy-java-
>  org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraDaemon
> ==============================
> # nodetool -h -p 6080 info
> Token            : 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
> Gossip active    : true
> Load             : 20.59 GB
> Generation No    : 1339423322
> Uptime (seconds) : 39626
> Heap Memory (MB) : 3418.42 / 5984.00
> Data Center      : datacenter1
> Rack             : rack1
> Exceptions       : 0
> =============================
> All row cache and key cache are disabled by default
>                 Key cache: disabled
>                 Row cache: disabled
> ==============================
> # pmap 9567
> 9567: java
> START               SIZE     RSS     PSS   DIRTY    SWAP PERM MAPPING
> 0000000040000000     36K     36K     36K      0K      0K r-xp 
> /opt/jdk1.6.0_29/bin/java
> 0000000040108000      8K      8K      8K      8K      0K rwxp 
> /opt/jdk1.6.0_29/bin/java
> 000000004010a000  18040K  17988K  17988K  17988K      0K rwxp [heap]
> 000000067ae00000 6326700K 6258664K 6258664K 6258664K      0K rwxp [anon]
> 00000007fd06b000  48724K      0K      0K      0K      0K rwxp [anon]
> 00007fbed1530000 1331104K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Data.db
> 00007fbf22918000 2097152K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Data.db
> 00007fbfa2918000 2097148K 1124464K 1124462K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Data.db
> 00007fc022917000 2097156K 2096496K 2096492K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Data.db
> 00007fc0a2918000 2097148K 2097148K 2097146K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Data.db
> 00007fc1a2917000 733584K   6444K   6444K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-109-Data.db
> 00007fc1cf57b000 2097148K  20980K  20980K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-109-Data.db
> 00007fc24f57a000 2097152K 456480K 456478K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-109-Data.db
> 00007fc2cf57a000 2097156K 1168320K 1168318K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-109-Data.db
> 00007fc34f57b000 2097148K 1177520K 1177520K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-109-Data.db
> 00007fc405629000 618708K 338248K 338248K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-230-Data.db
> 00007fc42b25e000 620388K 289024K 289024K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-224-Data.db
> 00007fc451037000 619160K 342108K 342108K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-216-Data.db
> 00007fc62b7df000 132696K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxInQueueTime-hb-175-Data.db
> 00007fc6de8e0000 132696K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxRecvTime-hb-175-Data.db
> 00007fc6f2bcc000  52492K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxPartitionId-hb-211-Data.db
> 00007fc6f64dc000  43784K  40840K  40840K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/fpr_index-hb-91-Data.db
> 00007fc707ca6000  68968K  37724K  37724K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue-hb-219-Index.db
> 00007fc70c000000   2468K   2436K   2436K   2436K      0K rwxp [anon]
> 00007fc70c269000  63068K      0K      0K      0K      0K ---p [anon]
> 00007fc710b9e000  52888K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxInQueueTime-hb-216-Data.db
> 00007fc713f44000  52952K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxFireTimeRange-hb-140-Data.db
> 00007fc7172fa000  52952K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxFireTime-hb-140-Data.db
> 00007fc71bd13000 162992K 162984K 162984K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/fpr_index-hb-80-Data.db
> 00007fc725c3f000  52952K  28712K  28712K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxInQueueTimeRange-hb-140-Data.db
> 00007fc728ff5000  52952K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxRecvTimeRange-hb-140-Data.db
> 00007fc72d026000  52480K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxRecvTimeRange-hb-211-Data.db
> 00007fc730366000  52564K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxStatus-hb-196-Data.db
> 00007fc7336bb000  22348K      0K      0K      0K      0K r-xs 
> /var/cassandra/data/drc/queue.idxInQueueTime-hb-175-Index.db
> BRs
> //Ares Tang
> -- 
> It's always darkest just before you are eaten by a grue.

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