I have playing around with composite CFs, I have one declared:

create columnfamily
    ac_event_id int,
    ac_creation timestamp,
    ac_action text,
    ac_addr text,
    ac_advisory_id text,
    ac_c text,
    ev_sev text,
    ev_total text,
    ev_url text,
    ev_used text,
    toast text,
    fw text,
    name text,
    resp text,
    size text,
    PRIMARY KEY (ac_c, ac_creation)
) with compression_parameters:sstable_compression = '';

So, my main primary key is on the ac_c column, text, and
the secondary composite key is on ac_creation, which is a date.  These
queries perform correctly:

select * from at_event_ac_c where ac_c = '1234';

select * from at_event_ac_c where ac_c = '1234' and ac_creation >
'2012-07-15' and ac_creation < '2012-07-18';

What's weird is I can't qualify on a non-indexed column, like:

select * from at_event_ac_c where ac_c = '1234' and ac_creation >
'2012-07-15' and ac_creation < '2012-07-18'
   and ev_sev = 2;

I get an error:
Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator

But, I just attended a class on this.  I thought that once I used my
indices the remaining qualifications would be satisfied via a filtering
method.  Obviously this is incorrect.  Is there a way to 'filter' results?


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