2012/7/1 David Daeschler <david.daesch...@gmail.com>:
> Good afternoon,
> This again looks like it could be the leap second issue:
> This looks like the problem a bunch of us were having yesterday that
> isn't cleared without a reboot or a date command. It seems to be
> related to the leap second that was added between the 30th June and
> the 1st of July.
> See the mailing list thread with subject "High CPU usage as of 8pm eastern 
> time"
> If you are seeing high CPU usage and a stall after restarting
> cassandra still, and you are on Linux, try:
> date; date `date +"%m%d%H%M%C%y.%S"`; date;
> In a terminal and see if everything starts working again.
> I hope this helps. Please spread the word if you see others having
> issues with unresponsive kernels/high CPU.

 Hello, this realy helps. In our case two problems cross each other-((
and we doesn't have assumed that might be a kernel problem. On one
data cluster we simply reboot it, and in seccond apply date solution
and everything is fine, thanks

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