Having the both the commit log and data directory on the same volume is
generally not recommended. You would actually see a performance decrease
unless you can have most your reads be cache hits.

On Friday, August 10, 2012, Thibaut Britz wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone of you made some experience with software raid (raid 1,
> mirroring 2 disks)?
> Our workload is rather read based at the moment (Commit Log directory only
> grows by 128MB every 2-3 minutes), while the second hd is under high load
> due to the read requests to our cassandra cluster.
> I was thinking about putting both the commit log and the data directory on
> a software raid partition spanning over the two disks. Would this increase
> the general read performance? In theory I could get twice the read
> performance, but I don't know how the commit log will influence the read
> performance on both disks?
> Thanks,
> Thibaut

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