On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Jason Axelson <ja...@engagestage.com>wrote:

> Hi, I have an application that will be very dormant most of the time
> but will need high-bursting a few days out of the month. Since we are
> deploying on EC2 I would like to keep only one Cassandra server up
> most of the time and then on burst days I want to bring one more
> server up (with more RAM and CPU than the first) to help serve the
> load. What is the best way to do this? Should I take a different
> approach?
> Some notes about what I plan to do:
> * Bring the node up and repair it immediately
> * After the burst time is over decommission the powerful node
> * Use the always-on server as the seed node
> * My main question is how to get the nodes to share all the data since
> I want a replication factor of 2 (so both nodes have all the data) but
> that won't work while there is only one server. Should I bring up 2
> extra servers instead of just one?
> Thanks,
> Jason

Caveat: I haven't tried what I am about to suggest

Could you run the cluster on smaller instances for most of the time and
then when you need more performance increases the instance size to get more
CPU/Memory. If you use EBS with provisioned IOPs you should be able to make
the transition reasonably quickly.



*Franc Carter* | Systems architect | Sirca Ltd

franc.car...@sirca.org.au | www.sirca.org.au

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