On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Casey Deccio <ca...@deccio.net> wrote:
> I'm adding a new node to an existing cluster that uses
> ByteOrderedPartitioner.  The documentation says that if I don't configure a
> token, then one will be automatically generated to take load from an
> existing node.
> What I'm finding is that when I add a new node, (super)
> column lookups begin failing (not sure if it was the row lookup failing or
> the supercolumn lookup failing), and I'm not sure why.

1) You almost never actually want BOP.
2) You never want Cassandra to pick a token for you. IMO and the
opinion of many others, the fact that it does this is a bug. Specify a
token with initial_token.
3) You never want to use Supercolumns. The project does not support
them but currently has no plan to deprecate them. Use composite row
4) Unless your existing cluster consists of one node, you almost never
want to add only a single new node to a cluster. In general you want
to double it.

In summary, you are Doing It just about as Wrong as possible... but on
to your actual question ... ! :)

In what way are the lookups "failing"? Is there an exception?


=Robert Coli
AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
YAHOO - rcoli.palominob
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