Thanks for your responses.

Just to be clear our table declaration looks something like this:
CREATE TABLE sessionevents (
  atag text,
  col2 uuid,
  col3 text,
  col4 uuid,
  col5 text,
  col6 text,
  col7 blob,
  col8 text,
  col9 timestamp,
  col10 uuid,
  col11 int,
  col12 uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY (atag, col2, col3, col4)

My understanding was that the (full) row key in this case would be the 'atag' 
values. The column names would then be composites like 
(<col2_value>:<col3_value>:<col4_value>:col5), (<col2_value>: <col3_value>: 
<col4_value>:col6), (<col2_value>:<col3_value>:<col4_value>:col7) ... 
(<col2_value>: <col3_value>: <col4_value>:col12). The columns would be sorted 
first by col2_values, then by col3 values, etc.

Hence a query like "select * from sessionevents where atag=<foo>", we are 
specifying the entire row key, and Cassandra would return all the columns for 
that row.

>> Using read consistency of ONE reduces the read latency by ~20ms, compared to 
>> using QUORUM.
>It would only have read from the local node. (I think, may be confusing 
>secondary index reads here).
For read consistency ONE, reading only from one node is my expectation as well, 
and hence I'm seeing the reduced read latency compared to read consistency 
QUORUM. Does that not sound right?
Btw, with read consistency ONE, we found the reading only happens from one 
node, but not necessarily the local node, even if the data is present in the 
local node. To check this, we turned on DEBUG logs on all the Cassandra hosts 
in the ring. We are using replication factor=3 on a 4 node ring, hence mostly 
the data is present locally. However, we noticed that the coordinator host on 
receiving the same request multiple times (i.e with the same row key) , would 
sometimes return the data locally, but sometimes would contact another host in 
the ring to fetch the data.


-----Original Message-----
From: aaron morton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: Read latency issue

> Running a query to like "select * from <table_name> where atag=<foo>", where 
> 'atag' is the first column of the composite key, from either JDBC or Hector 
> (equivalent code), results in read times of 200-300ms from a remote host on 
> the same network. 

If you send a query to select columns from a row and do not fully specify the 
row key cassandra has to do a row scan. 

If you want fast performance specify the full row key. 

> Using read consistency of ONE reduces the read latency by ~20ms, compared to 
> using QUORUM.
It would only have read from the local node. (I think, may be confusing 
secondary index reads here).

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 3/10/2012, at 2:17 AM, Roshni Rajagopal <> wrote:

> Arindam,
>   Did you also try the cassandra stress tool & compare results?
> I havent done a performance test as yet, the only ones published on 
> the internet are of YCSB on an older version of apache cassandra, and it 
> doesn't seem to be actively supported or updated 
> The numbers you have sound very low, for a read of a row by key which should 
> have been the fastest.  I hope someone can help investigate or share numbers 
> from their tests.
> Regards,
> Roshni
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 06:41:09 -0600
> > Subject: Re: Read latency issue
> > 
> > Interesting results. With PlayOrm, we did a 6 node test of reading 100 rows 
> > from 1,000,000 using PlayOrm Scalable SQL. It only took 60ms. Maybe we have 
> > better hardware though??? We are using 7200 RPM drives so nothing fancy on 
> > the disk side of things. More nodes puts at a higher throughput though as 
> > reading from more disks will be faster. Anyways, you may want to play with 
> > more nodes and re-run. If you run a test with PlayOrm, I would love to know 
> > the results there as well.
> > 
> > Later,
> > Dean
> > 
> > From: Arindam Barua <<>>
> > Reply-To: 
> > "<>" 
> > <<>>
> > Date: Monday, October 1, 2012 4:57 PM
> > To: "<>" 
> > <<>>
> > Subject: Read latency issue
> > 
> > unning a query to like "select * from <table_name> where atag=<foo>", where 
> > 'atag' is the first column of the composite key, from either JDBC or Hector 
> > (equivalent code), results in read times of 200-300ms from a remote host on 
> > the same network. The query returned around 800 results. Running the same 
> > query on a Cassandra host results in a read time of ~110-130 ms.
> > Using read consistency of ONE reduces the read latency by ~20ms, compared 
> > to using QUORUM.
> > 
> > Enabling row cache did not seem to change the performance much. Moreover, 
> > the row cache 'size' according to nodetool was very tiny. Here is a 
> > snapshot of the nodetool info after running few read tests:
> > Key Cache : size 2448 (bytes), capacity 104857584 (bytes), 231 hits, 
> > 266 requests, 1.000 recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds 
> > Row Cache : size 96 (bytes), capacity 4194304000 (bytes), 9 hits, 13 
> > requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds
> >

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